Monday, August 2, 2010

new heights

my chinese food craving has just reached an all-time high, now that I've seen this. I really hate to have to own up to the fact, but in all the years (ok, there were only three) I lived in Manhatten, I never - not even once - made it to Flushing (well, there was ONE time, but it certainly wasn't a food-centric trip). my parents were there all the time, and my 'godfather/uncle' always invited me to come, but I just never made it. I wasn't one of those people who wouldn't leave the island for a borough, I just wasn't at all focused on food back then.

I found the New York Times map via a blog, The Wednesday Chef, which I found via an article on food blogs, which I found via a Google search (best food blogs).

I haven't read through all of the blogs listed in the article, but I certainly don't agree on all that I've seen, either; although I must concede the following: (1) I haven't thoroughly read ANY blogs on the list, and (2) could Chez Pim be any cuter? I wish I could be food obsessed and tiny, free to be food obsessed due to making a living from it, and cute and cutely conversational.

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