Wednesday, May 4, 2011

destination nowhere

I was on the phone with eye-fi customer service for an hour yesterday and maybe resolved the issue? it's hard to tell because the upload goes so slowly. that's the one photo that the card managed to upload while I was on the phone yesterday. but it took all day for only four other photos to upload. what's with that? I still can't figure it out, plus the utility doesn't work with the macbook. ugh. a little bit of working is certainly better than no working, but not as good as just plain working. before I go back to work, I'll be on the phone with them again. today is too soon for my psyche.

went to the gym again today - two times in one week! that's a big deal for me right now. the treadmill workout wasn't so bad today because it was rainy outside. it was also more tolerable because I decided to copycat thirteen pounds (right sidebar) and take the C25K (couch to 5K) approach to running, and the treadmill is great tool for doing those tiny repeats. I did decide to modify the C25K program by adding in a 10min run just after the 5 minute walking warmup. so, for my workout today: I walked five minutes to warm up, ran 10 minutes, then did the C25K week one workout. after 35 minutes, I'd travelled about 2.6 miles and nowhere all at once. well, I did see millionaire matchmaker for the first time in my life...

technical info (tmi?): the treadmill incline was set at 1 the whole time. all walks were done at the leisurely pace of 3mph. the initial 10 minutes were run at 5.5mph. all subsequent 1 min runs were performed at 6mph.

it felt good, I just hope I can keep it up. my body needs some help. serious help. I've been a postpartum mess. I still have to add core workouts in somewhere. oh, and strength workouts on the days I don't run. I've always preferred to be an everyday runner, versus an every other day runner, but I'm not going to push my body too hard right now. but that means that there's no excuse to not do a strength workout at least twice a week.

when I left the gym and got back into the car, destination unknown was playing on satellite station new wave1 (we got free service with our car - will it run out? we have no idea). remember missing persons?

I also found this photo of dale bozzio - the same lady as in the previous photo (lead singer). apparently, she's an animal hoarder, and she got brought up on charges. reported by tmz - of course.

the end of the 80's was rough on a lot of people.

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