Friday, July 9, 2010

ask and ye shall receive (sometimes)

so, ktiker wants to know, just how much can a person eat in one evening?!

let me set up the situation: breakfast and lunch were very reasonably sized portions of normal food (e.g. two pieces of lightly buttered toast for breakfast, an egg salad sandwich for lunch).

John was not home for dinner, so I decided that Henry and I would eat something that required no cooking. we went to Whole Foods after work and I picked up: a baguette, a piece of Brie, an apple, one almond croissant, and one large chocolate chip cookie.

I cut up a piece of chicken for Henry, gave him a piece of the baguette, a good portion of apple, two stalks of roasted asparagus, and free range over the chocolate chip cookie.

I ate about half+ of the baguette, half a piece of brie, the rest of the apple, some asparagus, a glass of orange juice, and the entire almond croissant. to put that into perspective, it was like eating a 10-inch hoagie filled with cheese! Maybe a 12-inch hoagie! I couldn't stop eating the bread! then to follow that up with a croissant? what am I doing?! OK, so based on what my weight should be, then adding about 25lbs, figuring that for what I should gain in terms of baby weight - I should only let myself gain like 5 more pounds during this pregnancy. someone muzzle me before I hurt myself.

by the way, Henry ate very little of his dinner and only one bite of that cookie! John ate the rest of the cookie for breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. that's not bad!!!! you need to come out here and see what damage you can do. deep dish, steak houses......
