I had my first pregnancy visit to my new ob/gyn practice, and I got to ask my burning question about this second pregnancy (well, actually, the first burning question is: is the fetus healthy? that's another reason NOT to get pregnant - the chance of bearing a deformed fetus weighs heavily on the mind and there's no way to get a real read on what's going on in there until you can get an amniocentesis, or other such genetic test (chorionic villus sample) accomplished. they're scary, and it feels like ages before the results come back, hm, can you tell I'm thinking about this right now?).
the questions was, how much weight should I gain?
with the first pregnancy I knew the answer: somewhere between 25 and 35. I went for 25, and that's about what I gained (27). the problem this time is that I'm 30lbs OVER what I weighed at the time I conceived the FIRST time! I figured that the doctor would say, well, watch what you eat and excercise and try not to gain much more weight. no, the answer turned out to be, "you can go ahead and gain another 25 pounds."
I'm trying to wrap my head around that one. I'm so heavy right now that I don't even look like myself to me in photos and sometimes not even in the mirror. what will happen if I gain another 25 pounds? I'm already 7 pounds heavier than I was 12 weeks ago...yipes!
I know one thing: I'm going to have to really get serious about weight loss after this one is out in the world.
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