Monday, March 14, 2011

i lurv thomas keller

I was putzing around on chezpim this morning, ended up reading the roasted chicken post, a few of its comments, and allowed myself to be directed to a thomas keller recipe (for roasted chicken), then found this video clip. I learned about thomas keller when I stumbled upon the soul of a chef, nearly a decade ago. I've dreamt of eating at the french laundry ever since, but my culinary crush itself receded into a background crush a long time ago. watching this clip has renewed my crushdom, and I've reserved each of his cookbooks at my local library. so far the best thing about maternity leave, besides not having to work, has been cooking (and hanging out with alissa - often cooking). now I have two active crushes; add tim riggins to thomas keller. mmmmm. the drama of friday night lights is generally so crazed that I end up just laughing at it, but I still like to watch tim riggins and, so, I find myself asking the tv (and Liz, who shares this crush), why can't those writers just let tim riggins catch a break already? which tim riggins do you like best? btw, don't read the book, friday night lights, unless you want to find yourself depressed and cursing school-age sports like football (ever seen hoop dreams? if not, stay away from that one too).

1. football tim riggins (aka texas forever tim riggins)

2. in love with lyla garrity tim riggins

3. life is a bitch tim riggins

oh wait, I forgot, I have a third current crush, the moby wrap.

I swear this wrap never fails to calm an infant. max is currently sleeping in henry's hand-me-down moby wrap. henry loved it too. to all mothers I've failed to purchase this for, I apologize now (Jenn Maugle, I'm thinking of you, in particular).

oh, and while I'm on the subject of baby items I'm crushing on, I may as well add another superstar to the list, the baby bjorn infant seat.

my seat is like the great great great...grandmother of the one shown, but it's just as good even though it doesn't have the toy bar (actually, I'm not sure I like the looks of that device). a good friend gave me hers, once her babies were through with it, and it immediately became henry's favorite seat. actually, it became the only seat we used. henry preferred it over swinging versions, and max loves it too. max can sleep in the seat for hours, and there are days when he spends most of his non-breast time sleeping in the wrap and the seat.


  1. Oh my goodness, I hated the Moby Wrap!!! Haha. I receieved it as a shower gift and was so excited to use it but honestly I just couldn't deal with all that freakin' fabric. I read wonderful, wonderful things about it and maybe I didn't give it enough chances, but I was over the excessive material. I heard youtube videos helped but if I have to watch videos on how to use the thing properly, that's not the product for me haha. Trying to stand on the couch and having 2 people help put the thing on me correctly and STILL not have it work well was too much for me so I gave up and we got the Infantino Front 2 Back carrier which I highly enjoyed. I gave my moby wrap to a friend who just had a baby last Friday and she hated it too. :( Sorry Moby.

    However, Abby had a bouncer/seat thingamajig that she also loooooved and would sleep in for a long time. Just recently packed it away. :( Oh and I vote for 'life is a bitch' Tim Riggins!

  2. ha ha, oh well...john uses the baby bjorn, which is great as a carrier, but never worked to soothe henry, and hasn't yet worked on max, either. I know what you mean about the fabric - there's definitely a confusion factor there. now I don't have to feel badly about NOT buying you one!
