Tuesday, March 22, 2011

smiley day

so, I think that Max may have proffered his first smile today. actually, I thought that maybe he'd smiled yesterday, but I didn't want to jump the gun. today the smile seemed to be more purposeful. I was totally sucky at journaling Henry's developmental achievements. UNLIKE miss Jenn, over at The World of Abigail Grace (link on right sidebar), I didn't keep a blog (but I did begin one!), or even an official baby book. I jotted down impressions month by month until 7 months...

true story: as a young girl, my mother-in-law found her baby book, and took issue with the fact that it hadn't been filled out. Gayle was the youngest of three girls. when she brought the book to her mother, her mom calmly sat her down, and proceeded to fill in the blanks. the joke is that for the most part, my mother-in-law's mom just made up all the facts. this is to be my fate. I have a general outline to work with, but no real details. there are moments I remember; e.g. first tooth poking through the gum, first walk, weaning from the breast, & etc., but no absolute dates for other facts: crawling, first word (other than "no"), first smile... hey, I painstakingly brought my little medical record book to all of Henry's well-visits to record all his weights and lengths, along with his complete vaccination record, but didn't think about the wasted effort: the pediatrician's office kept a record of all that for me. I should have been focused on a milestone journal. doh.

OK, resolution - keep a blog for the babies, to be resumed at the above site...give address out to grandparents, aunts, and uncles so that I must keep it up.

1 comment:

  1. Yay baby blogs! Hehe. I've always just been a dork about documenting every thing - I used to keep so many journals of my own life (got me into trouble when my parents found the "reading material"), so now that's blended into Abby's life. I have the blog, a baby calendar, and this other (really cute) documenting book that's nature/owl themed and has spaces to write in everything about the first year and more (like what music, shows, actors, world news, was going on at the time and what prices were for gas, milk, and all that fun stuff). I love learning things about what it was like when I was born (1980 yo!). Good luck keeping up with the blog! :)
